Thursday 7 July 2016

This term we have completed an extensive study of how to write an Explanation.  The subjects we have based our explanations on have been wide ranged and varied. These have included explaining why it is important to wear a seat belt, to learn how to swim, to clean our teeth each day and to drink lots of water throughout the day.

Our Reading lessons have continued to focus on getting enough reading mileage each day to help improve our understanding and fluency. Thank you for your support at home in this area. As we say in classic Dr Seuss words “ The more you read, the more you learn, the more you learn, the more you know”  Next term we will be doing more factual and research reading. 

Arts or PE
In Room 6 and 7 we all look forward to our weekly Art lessons every Tuesday afternoon. This term we have been experimenting with paint and colour mixing. Both Room 6 and 7 have some gorgeous artwork displayed in their classrooms and the art really speaks for it self, so please pop in and take a look. Next term we are learning about Fabric and Fibre. So if you are a sewer and you  have any scraps of fabric laying around we would love to put it to good use. 
In our Kiwi Sport and P.E lessons we have  worked on improving our large ball skills of catching, throwing, kicking and stopping a netball and a soccer ball. Over the term there has been quite an improvement in the children’s coordination and general ball skills. So grab a ball and let them demonstrate their skills.

Our Maths lessons this term began with building on our knowledge about money. We learned how to recognise New Zealand notes and coins and what their values were. It would be great if you could continue to talk to your child about money, it’s value and how to ensure they have correct change when shopping. We have also learned about ‘Place Value’ and how a digit is given a value according to where it is placed in a number e.g. 26 is 2 tens and 6 ones. This is  important to know and understanding so they can rename when subtracting. Knowing our Basic Facts was still a major focus this term and next term multiplication and division will be our next step learning focus.

Last day of Term 2  - Friday 8 July 
Term 3 begins - Monday 25 July
Lastly, I would like to wish you all a happy and relaxed term break. I  look forward  to seeing you all again in the new term. 
Kind regards Sharon Leatham.

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